Sunday Mornings

“Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain." Psalm 127:1, KJV

Putting God first in all of you plans is the ultimate way to go. If you want success, seek God's kingdom first and all those things will be added unto you (see Matthew 6:33).

If the Lord is not the solid ground on which your business, relationship, friendship, etc is based on, you are in for a hard time. We must involve God in every aspect of our lives...not just in our worship at the local church. You must take Him everywhere.

If a friendship, relationship, etc. that you have is causing you to sin, then you need to cut that person off. If you have to explain anything to them, let them know that they are hindering your progress with the Lord. Be honest. C You are not required to submit to them.

Your Heavenly Father wants what is best for you. Hanging out with someone who is going to cause you to sin is no good for your witness.

For those of you starting a business, you must pray over your business daily. Plead the Blood of Jesus over any avenues you plan to take with your business. Dedicate your business to the Lord. Watch Him bless it!

God must be first in everything. Otherwise, you are just building an idol.

Lately, I’ve been hearing  many people say that they are “self-made millionaires.” God is not in that! The fruit from being “self-made” does not comes from the Father. Always check your heart and your motives. Ask yourself, “Does this glorify Jesus or me?”

I want the Lord to cover me and all that I come in contact with. Therefore, I am honored to put the Father first in my ministry to women, as well as in my ability to create resources to exalt Him.

Today, let's put God first, and then make our plans. Let's seek His face about the matter, and then go from there. It makes no sense to labor in vain.

How to Turn Depression into Joy

Growing up as a child, my life was not ideal. My siblings and I grew up in a single parent home, and money was scarce. Therefore, we were made fun of because we did not have much. My mother did the best that she could; she provide for our needs, and went out of her way at times to give us the things we wanted. However, there was a void in my heart that no one could fill.

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How to Forgive When It Seems Impossible

Scripture: “And whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.” Mark 11:25, ESV


Forgive? Really! I had to read the passage several times. I knew deep down in my heart I was becoming bitter about a situation that had drastically changed my life. Had I really forgiven the person who hurt me? Was this person truly sorry for what they had done to me? I honestly could say NO…at least on my end.

Every time I thought of this person, my chest would burn, my heart would race, and I would begin to sweat. If I happened to see the person out in public, I would feel as though I was being pricked by a thousand needles. A literal panic attack would occur. The anger begin to build up inside of me, and my blood would boil. How could they smile and enjoy life, while I was broken into millions of pieces. Tears would form in my eyes, but the courage to cry would never be there. so, I held the pain inside, and carried the burden for years. Now, God was requiring more of me than I was willing to give.

Psalm 34:18 states, “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in the spirit.” I was shattered, and my life had come to a complete halt. My joy had disappeared, and the stress from holding in all of the hurt was consuming me. How dare God ask me to forgive a person who caused me so much pain!

Gently, the Father spoke to me. He reminded me that He collected all of my tears in a bottle and kept track of all of my sorrows (Psalm 56:8). Nothing I had gone through was hidden from Him. However, He meant what He said about forgiving others. There would be no special treatment; therefore, if I did not forgive, He could not forgive me. My relationship with the Lord was, and will always be, the best thing that has ever happened to me. I was not about to spend an eternity in Hell…so there was nothing left to do but forgive.

If you are struggling to forgive, there is a way out. You can be free from the pain and restored. Below, I have listed the steps I took to forgive, as well as a prayer for restoration.

  1. Create a forgiveness List. Make a list of the people who you need to forgive. This list could include your parent, spouse, significant other, former friends, etc. Ask the Lord to bring to remembrance anyone you may have forgotten.

  2. List the offense(s). Beside each person’s name, write out in detail what he or she did to you. Try to be as specific as you can. Reflect and write how the offense(s) made you feel.

  3. Pray. Pray this prayer for each person on your list. “Father, I forgive _____ for _____. What they did to me made me feel ______ and caused me to _____. Heal and restore me, Lord. Right now, I choose to forgive _____ and set them free. I break all soul ties with _____ in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen.

  4. Give it to God. Pray, “Father, I know you are requiring me to forgive. This painful for me, but I must be obedient. Please forgive me for holding on to unforgiveness for so long. I surrender all to You. Your Word says will save those who are crushed in the spirit. You favor the brokenhearted, and know every tear I have shed. The pain is overwhelming, and I need You now more than ever. Father, send Your Holy Spirit to comfort me. Reassure me that everything is going to be alright. I know You are faithful to Your promises. Restore my joy, give me peace, and calm the storm raging in my heart. In Jesus’ name, I ask this of You. amen.”

  5. Walk in forgiveness and freedom. Just because you forgave the person(s), that does not mean the memories will not come to surface from time to time. It is almost impossible to “forgive and forget.” You must choose to walk in forgiveness and freedom daily. When the enemy reminds you of the offense(s), rebuke him in the Name of Jesus. Verbally declare that you have forgiven the person(s). You are no longer bound to the person(s) or what was done to you.

Choosing to remain in bitterness equals bondage. Instead, be willing to experience true freedom through forgiveness. When we forgive, our joy returns and our burdens are lifted. Life seems so much brighter. Once I was able to let it all go, I was able to experience God’s love on a deeper level. If you are ready to move forward in life and be restored, forgive.

Never Far from Home

Are you listening to God? There was a time when I felt the Lord was far away from me. I honestly could not hear His voice. Day by day, it seemed as though He was getting further and further away from me. I would see other believers prospering and living victoriously, and this only made me envious. Seriously, I became jealous of all God was doing for others. He was actually using them to spread the Gospel and set captives free. Unfortunately, He was not using me (or so I thought).


Feeling unwanted broke my heart into a million pieces. I began to withdraw. I became a recluse, and backslid into depression. I had previously been delivered from the spirit of depression, but now it was back—full force! Satan was deceiving me and planning to ultimately destroy me this time. My passion, my zealous, my purpose, my love for all things holy was gone. The enemy was literally robbing me right before my eyes (John 10:10). Cluelessly, I wondered if God’s anointing had left me, and if I was on my way to hell? It certainly felt like it.

Finally, I found the courage to cry out to the Lord. In a fit of rage, I questioned His love for me. I asked Him why He was ignoring me and why things were not going as I had planned. IMMEDIATELY, He replied back with, “I’m not ignoring you. I’ve always been here. YOU were the one who strayed far from me. You chased the blessings instead of ME. YOU focused on what everyone else had or was doing instead of your own assignment. I’m still here.”! Can we please NOT discuss how foolish I looked! All this time...He was right there. It was ME! I caused the rift in the relationship. I was the toxic problem! I repented quickly and started back over. I did beat myself up mentally for a while because I wasted so much valuable time. However, the Holy Spirit reminded me that in Christ, there’s no condemnation (Romans 8:1), and that He could restore what I lost (Joel 2:25-26). The Lord forgave me and gave me a clean heart (Psalm 51:10). He knew I would do all of this before He created me, yet, He still sent His only Son to die for me (Jeremiah 1:5, John 3:16).

Maybe you are struggling with a similar issue. Or maybe you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. All you have to do is lay it all at His feet. He’s waiting for you right now! Come back to Him. He loves you. Do not waste another moment. Repent of your sins, and ask Jesus to come into your heart right now. He loves you so much. Only He can restore what you have lost and make everything brand new. Only trust Him.